Monday, May 21, 2012

The $@&#*! scale

Any dieter knows the scale can be a tool... or it can be the enemy.  If I'd consulted the scale as obsessively -- I mean, regularly -- as I have lately, I might not be in the state I'm in.  Best advice:  weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day; if your weight is up, diet and exercise until it is back down.  Losing a few pounds to maintain your weight sounds a lot easier than what I am trying to do.  And I'm not alone.  Many have done it, many are doing it, and many are thinking about doing it:  losing a large quantity of weight in less time than it took to gain it.  Other great advice:  set a goal to lose five pounds, achieve it, then set it again.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Etc.  The problem I'm experiencing is being stuck in the same five-pound range.  And I started two-a-days last week!  I am now walking about 5 miles a day:  2.5 as soon as I crawl out of bed, and 2.5 before I fall in.  I weigh myself when I wake up, after I use the bathroom, before my shower, after my shower, before I walk, before bed.  I want to lose the weight eating whole foods but I think it's time to start a Food Journal.  I must be eating too many calories.  It does feel like my stomach has shrunk because I feel full faster than before.  I eat a lot more fruits and vegetables now.  I have to trust that good things are happening inside my body that I can't see or that the scale doesn't reflect.  All this walking and healthy eating HAS TO be making a difference.  It just has to.  I walked with my neighbor Friday night (the same one I was with more than a month ago when I wanted to stop and cry about my knee pain).  She commented on my breathing and speed.  So I'm huffing & puffing less and hauling A$$.  Progress is what I have to focus on, not the results on the scale.  I have faith that I will begin to see results there, too.


  1. Hi Lori, It was Great seeing you walking again this morning!!

  2. If you have a smart phone check out the app myfittnesspal. Might be a website as well! Good luck!

  3. Keep going Lori! My friend lost over 45 lbs by walking and food journaling. She says that food journaling was very important. And she bought herself a new pair of shoes (nice shoes) for every 5 lbs lost :-)

  4. Thanks, Linda, Kris and Stephanie, for your words of encouragement and suggestions:)
